Nneka Youth Foundation has over the last 8 years promoted development and health care initiatives across rural Ghana. We are of the firm belief that the rural communities form a chunk of the vulnerable sample size that must be prioritized in health care initiatives. In the wake of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, Ghana has seen a steady spread of this disease in the country. This has seen major precautionary and preventive measures being implemented across the country. NYF, therefore, launched a sensitization drive on the 8th of April, in support of the Districts’ Health and Assemblies across some of the communities and villages we work in with our able volunteers including those in the health sectors, education, and tertiary students. Some of the Districts we work in the Volta and Greater Accra regions of Ghana have peculiar settlement conditions where little or no information reaches. And some of these districts share borders with Togo with so many unapproved routes that are used at the hindsight of the immigration. The awareness campaign was mainly to: Educate households on the deadly COVID-19 pandemic and its effect and also with health care volunteers to take them through the necessary measures on how to protect themselves, stay safe, and practice social and physical distancing. Make them aware of how this deadly pandemic spreads and how they should be couscous.


Nneka Youth Foundation works in collaboration with its stakeholders namely; District Directors of Education, District Chief Executives and Assemblies, Teachers, Elders, Chiefs, Queen Mothers, Community Leaders, Parents, and the General Community. For a positive impact to be made on the children and women we work with, the involvement of our stakeholders is key. For us to be able to carry out our work efficiently we set to meet with our stakeholders. We began the year with meetings with the majority of our stakeholders to discuss the betterment of children in the various districts and communities we work in. New initiatives, strategies, and plans were drawn so as to educate the children on the positive measures they should adhere to, to become good adults. We also met with the Queen Mothers and Women lead Leaders to discuss training opportunities to be created for the teen mothers and women in the communities to make them economically viable and independent and to reduce violence against women and children. We met with the Chiefs and Community Leaders in the Ningo Prampram District concerning the Rights of the children and the Responsibilities of their Parents and Community leaders and all stakeholders in the district. During the First half of the year, we were able to meet over 530 community members from 7 communities in 4 districts. Through our community engagement, we got the concerns of the children, parents and elders to inform our strategy. Dates: 21/01 – 7/02 – 8/06/2020 Total number of Participants: 200

Cont’d Women Empowerment

During our Mini Camp in the Krachi Nchumuru District, we were able to train 45 women from the Chinderi community in Beads Making and Detergent Production. The women went through 3 days of intensive training and were also taken through basic Financial and Marketing lessons. They left the training grounds very fulfilled and impacted. They assured us they were going to make the best out of what they have learned and be productive.


After our Speed Mentoring and Youth Empowerment sessions in the Ho West District, we took the opportunity to offer Economic Empowerment through Skill training to 26 teen mothers and out of school girls within the enclave through our Vocational Entrepreneurial Pathway (VEP) program. Our one week work in Dodome Traditional Area was successful through collaboration and support given us by the District Directorate of Education Together we transform communities and create opportunities. We are steadily transforming Africa, one child at a time.


Our Young innovator’s summit was very transformational and impactful. The theme for this year’s summit dubbed “Commit today, Build tomorrow” started on the 5th – 9th 2020 of March and drew about 700 young people from 18 schools in 10 communities in the Krachi Nchurumu district. We were privileged to have the District Chief Executive to interact with the children on how they should take advantage of being thought how to catch fish and not be given fish. Participants were taken through lessons on Reproductive health, Drug Abuse, Social Media, Corruption, Potential building, Career Choice and they also learned handcraft skills in general beads designing and making and Cassava Flour Production and Processing into Pastries. Participants also had fun games and awards were given to all who participated in every activity. We were privileged to have a few selected youth to represent Nneka Youth Foundation at Ghana’s 63rd Independence Celebrations March Pass in Chinderi. We were able to make an outstanding performance to the amazement of all.

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