Music for the youth Ghana. Classical Music Fundraiser for NNEKA YOUTH FOUNDATION is next weekend!

Music For The Youth In Ghana

Music for the youth Ghana. Classical Music Fundraiser for NNEKA YOUTH FOUNDATION is next weekend!

An opportunity to do two great things. Enjoy pure, classical music from some real greats and make a difference in the lives of deprived youth. Music for the youth Ghana Classical Music Fundraiser for NNEKA YOUTH FOUNDATION is next weekend! Show your support in a donation of a ticket of GHC100.00 only 4 Tickets Purchase= Training and Start up funds for Businesses 1 Tickets Purchase= 6 students to attend Nneka’s one week world changers Camp Make a difference and support the empowerment of the next generation of Leaders here in Ghana . Let’s make a difference today!!!! For Tickets and more information please call 0270405819, 0249882791, 0244231405,0552565641 #howdoyougiveback #changinglivesthroughmusic #Nneka #afropolitan #vep #Worldchangersacamp #Afropolitanexperience

Learning materials donated to Kindergarten schools.

Nneka Youth Foundation donated learning materials to Ve Agbome and Ve Hoeme Kindergarten schools today.We believe that it does not matter what stage an opportunity is given. What matters that we are confident about the fact that every child has potential that has to be tapped; and all we do is to give opportunities to transform ‘Africa One Child at a Time’.

Meet Mr Raphael Werner.

Raphael is part of a team of German volunteers lending a supporting hand in our quest to make a difference. He is passionate about change making and is excited about spending the next year with Nneka. We really appreciate you Ralph

Flt. Lt. Rosemary Amenyo-Xah interacts with our campers

Flt. Lt. Rosemary Amenyo-Xah from the Ghana Air Force interacting with the campers during the visit of the crew today. #NnekaWCSC18

Youth Parliament.

On the agenda for discussion in last Friday parliamentary was the Legalization of Abortion. The Gender and Children Minister moved the motion for abortion to be legalized since more girls are dying through unsafe abortion. The legalization, according to her will ensure we have professionals doing the abortion for the girls. By so, the death rate as result of unsafe abortion would be reduced. Most MPs spoke against the motion while some were in favour. After heated debate, there was voice vote. Majority of the MPs voted against the motion. Other issues debated were; 1. Inadequate training of teachers. 2. Double-track system. 3. Open defecation.

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