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Every contribution, no matter the size or timing, holds immense value and is deeply appreciated. When you invest in Nneka Youth Foundation, you are not just making a donation; you are planting a seed of hope and opportunity in rural communities where the pursuit of knowledge was once a distant dream. Your generosity will leave an indelible mark, transforming lives and igniting a spark of empowerment that will illuminate generations to come.

Bank account:
NNEKA YOUTH FOUNDATION Stanbic Bank Ghana Ltd Accra Mall Branch: Account number: 9040001560128.

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We Partner With Companies Committed To Positively Influencing rural Areas And The World At Large

Become a partner at Nneka Youth Foundation: Together we can positively influence one child at a time

Here at Nneka youth foundation we recognise our partners as Team Members because we believe their support goes beyond financial contributuion but at consciousness effort to promote and help the vision of the foundation. Our partners play a vital role and we place high value on their expertise and knowlegde they bring on the table. We believe in transperancy with our partners, we also share a detailed report of our leadership, portfolio and innovation works..


Mail a Check
You can also donate by mailing your cheque to Nneka Youth Foundation : GHANA ,SAKUMONO :C13/A/D37 DTD

Contact Us to Donate Stock or send Wire-Transfer

E-Mail: TEL: 233 24 311 0901/ 233 27 0405 819


Give to Nneka Foundation by naming Nneka Youth Foundation as a beneficiary in your will "Nneka Youth Foundation a non-profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the republic of ghana"

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