Campers busily taking notes during our interactive lectures

Our campers busily taking notes during our Interactive Lectures. They are Learning, Relearning and Unlearning! Has your school been part of our summer camp yet? You really want to miss this educative, informative and life-changing experience? You just can’t afford to miss this.

Interactive Lecture – Environmental Stewardship

Taking care of the environment is our responsibility – Gameli

The One Big Volunteering Family Meeting

The One Big Volunteering Family had a meeting this morning to review last week’s activities during the camp as well as plan towards handling campers and activities during this week. We are not just individual people who come to volunteer. We have formed an unbreakable bond and a Big Family who share the vision of transforming Africa, a Child at a Time. It is not too late to join the One Big Volunteering Family to impact lives.

Welcome to Nneka Summer Camp 2019 Wee2

We are once again excited to have in our midst and welcome the second cohort of this year’s Summer Camp. It’s going to be an amazing and life-changing week. You can’t afford to miss this experience.

End of First Week of Nneka Summer Camp 2019

All too soon, we have come to the end of Nneka Summer Camp 2019 Week 1. We had 635 participants from Zone 1 constituting Hohoe and Ho Central, Adaklu and Ho West Districts. We thank teachers, district officers, parents, and students themselves for making this week’s camp successful. We are expecting the Zone 2 on Sunday, 12th August. Anticipate for more!!!

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