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mentorship programs

Nneka Summer Camp (NSC) is our flagship program and primary vehicle for attracting and retaining participants. NSC currently takes place each August (during long vacation) over a 6-day per camp and 4 camps throughout the long vacation; our long-term goal is to conduct a sleep-in camp in our development Centre solely. We also hold Mini Camps, a 6-day, 2 camps experience that take place during the JHS May/June vacation and 2 day and 1 day programs on long weekends as a result of national holidays.

Our core staff includes Team Leaders (local Senior High School students) and Faculty (teachers in-training from local colleges and tertiary students and professionals who have authority over the vices we fight) who we carefully select based on:

a) Their experience and/or interest working with youth. b) Maturity and c) Ability to make a 3-year commitment.




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